I’ve used so many different applications to try to keep track of every little detail; Excel for my planning or jobs I’ve applied to, Ever note on my mobile to capture every random note I’ve had, and even MS Word to save random bits of code snippets. The problem I have is that I have all this information, but how do I retrieve it? Where do I even look on my computer? Where “can I find out that git command that does that very specific thing I want” I used 5 months ago?
That is where TiddlyWiki came in. TiddlyWiki has a nonsensical fun name like so many tech site, but I’ve used it for a few months already, and it is a well-structured tool to help you organize your thoughts! Seriously, it is basically your very own wiki tool where you can effortlessly save and categorize your notes on basically everything: store the great recipe you found, those great Angular tutorials, and yes your very specific git commands. But why is this better than basically every other application that allows you to save and categorize things? With TiddlyWiki you organize your content how it makes sense to you, and you can easily filter and retrieve that information quickly.
I’ve used it for a few months so far, and don’t foresee stopping my use it. Once you begin, the TiddlyWiki really becomes a site onto itself of all your thoughts. To give it a try, visit the main site here.